As a person of the world we move through expectations, patterns, personal desires, restrictions, lack of freedom, financial stresses, societal norms, cultural ways of living, our own family dynamics and so much more. Each of these experiences shapes into who and where we are today. Often we find ourselves distant from our heart's desires, hopes, dreams, perhaps on a path we don't remember choosing. We find ourselves unable to move past situations, reacting, experiencing similar situations time and again.
With questions in your heart and mind, you look at your reflection in the mirror. What do you see?
As a person of this world, I, too have moved through these experiences and questions in my heart and looked at my reflection in the mirror with tears. The tears that held the unfulfilled desires, broken promises, feeling unworthy, doubt, fear, a life that could have been. In moving through these emotions, challenges I grew in wisdom. A deep calling in my heart arose to help others. "Archana, help them look at their reflection in the mirror with love, kindness, honor and grace. To see the amazingness of the reflection."
This is a journey of the Heart. Making your life what your heart wants to. Discovering the sweetness in your life. Defining success on your terms. Prioritizing your wellness on your terms. Dreaming, Envisioning, Expressing, Loving Your Vision, Your Way.
Healing is a journey unique to each of us. As we embrace our fears & transform them through courage to step into our power, great inner transformation begins.
As an intuitive spiritual coach, I tune into the frequency of the intelligence of the heart to address the many levels of your divine being as an integrated whole. A deep connection to the natural world is weaved in our working together to bring you back in alignment to the natural rhythm and cycle of the universal flow. The flow states allow for 'more' to bloom in your life ~ more abundance, more freedom, more connection, more love. Through our open hearted conversations coupled with tools and techniques, you will open yourself up to disovering your own limiting patterns of the subconscious that are holding you back. As you put to practice the simple, yet powerful tools, you will start to experience shifts and you will realize that the power to change was always within you. In time, with your efforts, you will begin to unlock the keys within you, igniting success.
I serve as a lantern to you, your great supporter, your helper, your guide, showing you your strength, showing you your light. Showing you your amazingness, catching you when you are falling. However, transformations occur, when YOU begin to beleive in yourself, you begin to see your strengths, you begin to see your amazingness, you begin to catch yourself when you are falling. Your disovery of your own great potential. Your acceptance of your self, as you are. Your trust in your own self. Your connection to divine consciousness. It is in this amazing moment you realize you can FLY. That is TRUE TRANSFORMATION.
To hear, "Archana, I did it! My life has shifted for the positive, transformed", is a gift. That is why, beautiful soul, my heart chose to be a Spiritual Coach to help in the process of TRANSFORMATION.
I am Archana, an Energy Healer, a Lightworker. I channel divine energy of love and light to help all in need. Healing is a journey... unique to each one of us. It is my passion and life purpose to provide spiritual guidance to help others on their sacred journey.
Divine Soul Resonance seeks to bring healing by helping release blocks and opening up to the natural flow of energy to create a greater sense of well-being and harmony
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